Be the change you wish to see in the world. -- Mahatma Gandhi
When the Jadavpur University SYLFF Association envisaged the Social Action Program, the aim was to contribute to society with a firm belief that even a smallest act of caring for another person is like a drop of water which will make ripples throughout the entire pond. As young researchers and emerging leaders it’s imperative to reach out to the marginalized bringing about a sustainable change in their lives, fulfilling the true essence of education.
Premananda Leprosy Mission Hospital
“We are seeking the cooperation and participation of all people … Help us as we eliminate an ancient scourge: the utterly needless discrimination surrounding leprosy” Yohei Sasakawa.
Inspired by the relentless effort Mr. Sasakawa to fight the curse of Leprosy; for the last six years the Association has been associated with the cause of the leprosy through the Leprosy Mission. As Mahatma Gandhi said “leprosy work is not merely medical relief; it’s transforming the frustration of life into joy of dedication, personal ambition into selfless service”. The fellows of the Association came in contact with the ‘Premananda Leprosy Mission’ of Kolkata (in association with The Leprosy Mission in Canada which is a nongovernmental organization) which has taken the responsibility render comfort and dignity to those suffering from this disease. Leprosy has affected humanity for over 4,000 years. India continues to record the highest number of new leprosy cases in the world followed by Brazil and Indonesia. While globally in 2008, 2.5 lakh new cases of leprosy were recorded, India accounted for 1.37 lakh of those cases followed by 38,914 cases in Brazil and 17,441 in Indonesia. Millions of people suffer not only from leprosy as a disease which is scientifically and medically proven to be curable and manageable, but also from political, legal, economic or social discrimination and isolation as a result of misunderstanding and indifference, and lack of legislative or administrative measures to prohibit such discrimination and to protect and remedy the victims.
The Leprosy Mission Canada has been working for decades to decrease the prevalence of leprosy in Kolkata, India through providing care at Premananda Memorial Leprosy Hospital. This community based hospital provides medical intervention for leprosy related complications, deformity prevention and surgical correction of deformation. It is the only hospital in Kolkata that focuses on the prevention and correction of deformity and rehabilitation of leprosy patients. Premananda Hospital also has out-patient services in dermatology, ophthalmology and surgery, in order to reach out to the larger section of marginalized population.
In addition to providing treatment, the hospital also focuses on increasing awareness and knowledge of leprosy in the medical community. It has dedicated and competent team of professionals who with their compassionate rendering of varied services have been a silver lining in the otherwise difficult lives of people suffering from leprosy. In fact, the rehabilitation activities are based on raising awareness of leprosy to put age-old myths and prejudices to rest and integrating them into their communities with dignity.
Keeping up with the tradition the visit this year again was made prior to Christmas on 7th December 2011, in order to evoke a sense of festivities among the patients affected by leprosy. The fellows interacted with about 47 patients (male and female wards respectively) and distributed a small gift along with some savouries among the patients who expressed their delight. The staff of the hospital actively participated and took us around to the different wards where the patients were stationed. As a token of appreciation for their help the staff and nurses were too presented with small gift item and savouries. The fellows also enquired about the utility of the movie DVDs gifted last year, for the entertainment of the patients. In addition, on the behalf of the association The Leprosy Mission was presented with a small memento as an expression of acknowledgement of the contribution of Leprosy mission and in solidarity with the cause.
A small glimpse into the lives of these patients shows us a mirror of an insensitive society which ostracises them and their hardships despite which they continue to fight all odds. It made us realise about our privileged lives and motivated us continue to contribute to the lives of less-privileged. Keeping up with the essence of the SYLFF programme, which is social change and evolving leadership these small yet significant steps would facilitate the same.